Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Being matured, for once

Guess what?

The anticipation for my ONLY observation class today went to naught when I was asked to relief a class.
A class of Sec 5N.
I was just told to make sure they do their own work. So ok lor, since they are so old anyway. Don't need me to entertain them. So I sat in class to be entertained.

I observed this gal, W, spikey hair and all, fleeting from table to table, whacking everyone she encountered. Be it a slap on the back, showing her fist, kicking a chair, grabbing something that someone is reading, irritating everyone... in the name of Attention. I think she had serious insecurity issues. It escalated when she 'bullied' the crap out of this poor boy, K, who was innocently sitting in the middle of the class alone, doing his work. She would go push his head, mess up his hair roughly, slap his back, grab his calculator and pretend it was a phone, refuse to return him his bag, etc... for no rhyme or reason! Afterward he was really pissed off, so he blatantly ignored her. (I think the gal felt slightly guilty, cos then she would make irrelevant small talk to get his attention. But she resorted to whacking him again when he really bo chup her.) He turned around to the Malay boys, who unfortunately told him to "go away". But I must admire the thickness of his skin, or maybe he was really desperate for refuge. Cos the boys kinda joined the gal and slightly bullied him as well, by imitating her actions.

Should I have stepped in at that point? I'm not sure. But then I had already set an OTOT tone and atmosphere for them, cos I trusted that they were old and matured enough. And so I prayed. I prayed for wisdom, for the right time. I asked a rather matured gal what's up with them, and she commented that they are always at odds with each other. Hmmm.

And so I walked outside the class, and ushered the gal, W, over, after she made another dig at K. Think I made the wrong move, but I asked her whether bullying others really did make her feel better. She walked away after shrugging me off. But later when the bell rang and the boy was outside waiting for everyone to proceed, she came out and started hitting him. He finally tried to retaliate this time, commenting exasperatingly to ask her to behave more like a girl, while it almost escalated to a physical outbreak. But no-no, I was there, so I physically broke up the fight. She walked off in a huff. I put my hand round K and started to talk to him. I was afraid that his self-esteem would be hurt, due to the bullying, and being sort of a social outcast in class. So I asked him to be calm, and think about whether he ever wondered if bullying to W stemmed from insecurity issues. I also pointed out that it was not his fault that he was being picked on, cos I noticed her picking on everyone else. But he was the only one who showed his discomfort and retaliated, while the rest just laughed it off. (Though I would have retaliated too if I were him! She obviously went overboard! But I had to be the teacher and the clear-minded one here huh.) In any case, I told him to stay strong and assure him that it was her problem, not his. He just so happened to be there. I have no idea where all these words came from, but I thank God for the opportunity to speak to him. Cos the amazing thing was that, the words seem to have some effect on him, and he actually turned around and said, "Bless you", before he left.

One class, but an exciting experience. That's what teaching entails? I'm excited.

I thank God for granting you wisdom. All the best for your practicum my dear. May God use you as a blessing to your students as well as fellow teachers. *hugs* jia you! You can do it! =) =) =)
i was talking to a friend from another school yesterday and she said they advocate restorative questioning or something...

basically you take the child out after class and ask:

1) what did you do?
2) what were your thoughts when you were doing it?
3) what are your thoughts now?
4) do you think you could have handled it differently?

i have yet to try it... but i think it sort of gives the child an opportunity to explain--in a more guided and structured fashion, which helps them reflect i think--and it gives us insight (hopefully!!) to their thought process.

anyway i'm sure every method has its pros and cons, as long as you carry out your way with conviction, i'm sure it would work!

jia you babe! =)
Emay jiejie: Thank you for praying!

iliep: Thanks for your words of wisdom. It sounds like a sound method. I'll try it when the opportunity arises, and if I remember it! Heh. But everything really depends on the situation as well...
That sounds totally horrid. :( I would have freaked out and threaten to handcuff her to the window grills. :P

Hee, no la. What will I do in your position? Maybe I will just engage her in chit chatting/gossipping. At least for that period, nothing would have happened, though it is no solution in the long run.

But what you did with the 'victim' was so touching. Can you be teacher to auntie SW?
Auntie SW: yeah, I was wondering what I could have done to prevent the solution. But I guess I felt a little awkward as well... Heh. Need to overcome that.

Hee. You din need me to 'teach' you! I'm quite sure you would have done that too! Other than handcuff her to the window grill! hahaha! That is so funny. But no no... not even the plastic ones! Hee.
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