Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Feeling the jitters

I discovered who my supervisor will be today. And it made me jitter a little.
I was checking up on him, looking for his face and all, while In a conversation with YP...

Me: mine is from oxford... specialising in 20th century SEAsian history
Me: oh man! i know who he is!!
Me: i know who he is!!
Me: he wears a strange cap to class!
Me: oh man! it finally dawned on me!
Me: ahhhh!!!!!
Me: oh no. it's the wrong guy.
Me: hahahaha!
YP: u cartoon!!!!
YP: ur emotion went through anticlimax in a matter of seconds

Yes, indeed! Still feeling jittery, but I'm gonna take it in stride. Just let me pass and let me get out and play! Heh.

Anyway, I was reading thru the teachers' mission statement and all. And it dawned on me that, hey, teaching is a HUGE responsibility! Okkk.. i know i've been at NIE for quite some time and i should have realised this like eons ago. Yes, of cos i know teaching is a huge responsibility cos we are "moulding the future", touching lives, influencing little minds and all... I thought I was all ready. But I dunno what made me feel inadequate all of a sudden, like I'm not up to it. Being a teacher is like being an octopus, (with possibly thrice the number of tentacles!) having to juggle between planning, being creative, classroom management, students' academic progress, character development, psychological encouragement, emotional problems, school admin, parents, CCA, upgrading of skills, lifelong learning, and the list is never-ever-ending! And above that, we are to remain SANE and STILL have a life! Hee.

Am I up to it? Will I be a good teacher?

I got this from YP. Heh. Natural poet?

"U can, I'm sure, cos you have the passion that others may lack.
But of coz, it's not a bed of roses.
Be prepared for the down, but there are always us around."

Yeah, I need to always adopt the self-patented "i want to play" perspective in life to keep sane! Heh. I pray that there will be people to play with me always!

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u nerd. u read that mission statement!!?!

ah lian teacher doesnt read. what does it say?

it just tells ah lian teacher to be a good role model... transform those ah-lians into taitais. And lifelong learning, keep 'upgrading' from lian to taitai. Heh. And so on... =)
Hey bobo! Such a dodo name! But I'm touched lah, pure fren! Hee thanx for ya encouragement... I will jiayou one...

Yeah! Let's set up a si gin na club to PLAY! =)
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