Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Cheap thrill?

What are the little things that make your day?

Talking about cheap thrills... I am very easily satisfied one.
My day can be made by students just greeting me happily...
Or waving to me when they see me around school...
Or when they ask me enthusiastically with longing eyes, "Miss S, today riot is it?" Hahaha!
Or when they dun greet you properly and you greet them again... they get your idea and they greet you LOUDLY in chorus, with smiling faces. And then I'll just pretend to be blown away by their voices to make them grin. Totally makes my day!
Or when there is a fire drill, and they groan cos it eats into your period... and they grumble, "Why not Maths period or Chinese period?!" (At least indirectly I take it that they like my lesson! Haha! Cheapskate? I dun care! Hee.)
Or when it's their recess and they dun rush off for their break, but stay back just to pester you. And of course sometimes we have to act-act ya? Act as if we dun really care about the attention (though sometimes I do, sometimes I dun. Hee). But in any case, cun be too dao lah. Must entertain a bit. Haha!

And of course lots more cheap thrills which I wun go into detail... as if you all dunno how cheapskate and easily satisfied I am! *grin* Not paiseh somemore... write so much. Haha!

But seriously lah... we need to look out for such stuff to brighten our otherwise stressful, draining, tirring, nerdy, un-happening day.

Though there are of course ALWAYS important things to do and to learn and to contend with.
Like how to preach good values to our students...
How to not only teach a concept well but to make it interesting as well...
How to make lessons fun and meaningful though you are on a tight schedule...
How to ensure that the kids know their stuff well when you run the risk of not finishing the syllabus...
How to counsel kids who are too distracted in class...
How to win notorious students (and class) over to your side...
How to manage your time well...

There are also ALWAYS little things that can make your day. It's all a matter of perception and how observant we are.

God made us to enjoy each day. But it's us dumbo humans who continue to regret the past and worry about the future, causing us to lose precious joy in each day. Let's just concentrate on the little things that are all around us, and we will realise that there's actually plenty of joy around.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice in the Lord!

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