Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I have discovered...

I have discovered that kids are like donkeys. Wave the carrot in front of them and you might get them to comply. Some 'donkeys' can take the whip. But more often than not, they either retaliate, remain obstinate or they run away and you lose them completely. But usually, they are just monkeys. That's why bananas rule! Woohoo! =)

I have also discovered that I am high in demand! What with the need for geography, history and SS teachers. I am here! I am here!!! But I am not for sale! I think due to laziness, being spoilt for choice, indecisiveness and uncertainty, I shall leave it to God to dictate which school I should go to. He knows best. Anyway, like my ct said, you can go into screen saver mode. Haha! Then ask for transfer after 2 years. Hmm...

I have discovered that teaching is a very draining and stressful job. It's a constant battle with the voice and the brain cells and the energy level. I have no energy whatsoever when I return home. I drag myself to complete lesson plans and worksheets and notes and resources. I find myself thinking of the next step ALL the time. How to better explain this, how to make it fun, how to babystep it, how to.... etc. Even in my sleep! And so it's a very disturbed sleep, and I wake up almost un-rested.

But one thing is for sure, I do enjoy planning for my lessons. And I get a sense of achievement when the lessons are being carried out. And I have lots of fun. Even though there are always times when some monkey decides to irritate you, either on purpose or just cos they are such. But they are part and puzzle, just trial and error. Carrot or whip or ignore? Heh.

hee haw!
Dilemma: Carrot or whip or ignore?

You dun eat carrots, I wun whip you and I cun ignore you.
carrot, whip and ignore... Depending on whichever works with whichever kid!
Yes mam! =)

For you it'll be ignore. Then you'll feel so uncomfortable cos no one wants to talk to you! Heh.

But I'll be nice and play with you. Haha!
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