Monday, August 28, 2006


Japanese culture

1) During church camp, you do not sleep with your family. The wife and the kids are separated from the husband, to bunk with the ladies and the men respectively.

2) The wife will have to prepare the bed for the husband by laying out the mattress on the tatami floor. After she does so, she will return to her room to lay hers. (Apparently it's a labourious process. I don't know cos I can't picture it.)
What do the guys do while their wives are labouring away? They are soaking themselves in the hot spring outside, under the snow. What a beautiful way to relax. But at the expense of your wives?? Help her first, get it over and done with, then soak together lah! (But men and women soak themselves separately in Japan. Heh.)

3) While the husbands are in service, the wives will be in the kitchen preparing a feast. The men will be served their food. By the women of course. They dine separately from the ladies too. The ladies will have a tray where they collect their food, and feed their children/babies as well.

4) Husbands do not participate in looking after the baby. There was once when this Singaporean lady couldn't cope anymore cos she had to feed her second child and her baby's nappy was soaked. She gave her husband the LOOK... "You'd better come over here, or else..." So he came over and carried the baby to a corner where he changed his diapers. All the Japanese men looked on in horror. One commented that men need not do that in Japan. The husband replied, "But men in Singapore care enough to help out." Aww... so sweet right? (No wonder these sweet men are all taken... Heh.)
The funny thing is... 2 years later, the guy who commented that men need not do this in Japan actually changed the diapers of his newborn baby! Yay!! =)

5) Pastor's wife in Japan must do 2 things. Play the piano and cook. Heh. An informal survey was carried out and most of us in church can't be pastors' wives! We can either play the piano or cook, not both! Haha! Oh well...

Maybe that's why men like Japan. Go marry a Japanese wife then. I'm proud to be Singaporean. Heh.

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