Monday, January 08, 2007


Recce at Ubin

Back to Ubin I went... this time with my ODACers, to recce the orienteering routes.

In the beginning it was dreadful. I had to drag myself out of bed... and to think that I had to roll out of bed early on a weekend! And to endure the journey to the Eastermost tip of Singapore... but it all turned out rather well. Why? I had the opportunity to nap ALL THE WAY from Bishan to Changi (haha!), have time for breakfast at the kopitiam and get tempted by the yummy dimsum... be the authority figure and insist on discipline, be the safety officer and watch out for the kids, be the encourager and advisor, etc. And the best of it all... to share experiences and apply Geographical skills to allow the kids to appreciate nature even more!

Everything turned out well... with the weather being sunny and not rainy as it usually is at Ubin, us spotting a snake and admiring the skin, wondering if someone had just plastered a rubber toy snake to the rubbish bin and immediately discarding that ludicrous idea when it wriggled. Oh man... YUCK! GROSS! EWWWW!!!! Ok, calm down... Back to Ubin. God blessed us with the time and opportunity when the last orienteering point we had ended at the hut on the west of the island. I thanked God and took the kids up the quarry... all the way to the 3rd level where you ultimately stood on a granite outcrop and overlooked the emerald water below. And my heart warmed when at least 2 of my kids "wow-ed" over nature, and were genuinely interested when I described and explained certain things to them. (I guess it's like the Gold 90 FM advert... remember the "He plays like.... Agassi..." -listen to the good stuff?) Heh, Focus on those who appreciate.

Yep, so interaction was good. But my butt, back and legs got a thorough workout too! They ached so much I think I have to admit that I'm growing old! But then we were walking fast-paced almost continuously for 4 full hours!! Xiong1, but I like. *Grin*

I'm still young! And I wanna PLAY!!

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