Monday, February 12, 2007


Saturday fun

I finally had a good time of play! Yay!

I was awakened to home-made Arabbiata pasta... heh. How many of you actually have your kitchen transformed into an Italian kitchen, with a chef which takes pride in combining the aromatic flavours of herbs and exquisite ingredients to produce an unforgettable meal/s? *grin* Thank God for Auntie Linda!!

The bright, shining sun tempted us into a fun day outdoors frolicking on the beach! We invited Auntie Linda and Uncle Pino along... Heh. It felt like they were the parents bringing their kids to the beach on a weekend! So off into the choppy waves Kel and myself went... as we rowed our way to the seafood restaurants, drifted along with the waves till we were a tad bit too close to the gigantic ships, played ji-go-pak while rocking in our banana boats... before paddling endlessly back to shore.

On the shore, we found Auntie Linda waiting for us. Heh. So it was another round of fun and games! We played volleyball with my cutie 'Number 5' red ball ball till the wind threatened to blow it off course and into the sea. Then we switched to chatek for a while before finding it too tiring. In the end, we settled for frisbee!! We had such a thrilling time throwing, jumping and catching it in weird positions and throwing it almost immediately again! Man... I laughed so hard! Heh. And we wouldn't have stopped if somebody hadn't nagged. Heh. I like playing with Auntie Linda. Do you know that we played chatek in my hall for more than an hour?? Heh.

To top it off, we had subway for dinner.
"Subway... Eat fresh!"
It's healthy and yummy! Although the ABNN guy at subway not only cheated our feelings, but was also rude to us! Hmph. Oh, and if your tolerance level of spiciness isn't exactly high... maybe you would wanna skip the jalepenos... =)

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