Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Urban lecture experience

Guess what?

I started lecturing on my favourite topic - "Urban Geography" today! =)

My my... I had to blog about it.

So much sweat, so many hours sitting and staring at the computer (!), all the research to generate the lecture notes, the scanning and sourcing of diagrams and beautiful pictures, etc.
Well, I have to say that the process was almost torturous, I sadistically enjoyed it to some extent! Haha! Maybe it's cos I absolutely love the topic, and I feel confident in delivering a fairly good lecture.

The sense of satisfaction was worth it... and it's several-tiered! =)

  1. When I browsed through my powerpoint slides and they were 'fattened' with considerably substantial content and nice nice pictures and effects. Hee.
  2. When I finally printed out a final copy of my lecture notes. Thick thick leh... cos I compiled 2 to 3 lectures together. Heh. And there are cute cute bullets to add an element of fun, like how Lampy used to print for us.
  3. When students who were late were to carry their own tables and chairs from the other class as there were insufficient furniture in the classroom. I thought it was appropriate 'punishment'! A "disaster" which turned out to be a blessing. (I was stressed over searching for an appropriate venue which could 'tahan' the whole group.)
  4. When I gave the students a brief overview of the ideas I had for the lecture group. For example, local fieldtrips and projects. And they were "ooh-ing" and "ahh-ing" and smiling to themselves. Wow. Heh.
  5. When I did start lecturing and felt a sense of joy when I did start explaining my lecture points, and saw that they were listening attentitvely, not dozing off or lost or 'forced' to pay attention. I was actually enjoying myself so much that I didn't want to stop lecturing! (But I did of course! Haha! Cannot spoil all the fun...)
  6. When I distributed rough paper and had the students either draw or write what they imagined what each cities were like, as I listed the cities. such as New York, Paris, Beijing, Mumbai, etc. They didn't know where Mumbai is! Haha! They enjoyed the activity, and through their contrasting imaginations of Mumbai and New York (ie. Mumbai being polluted, crowded, densely populated, messy.... and New York with skyscrapers, people who speak English, Statue of Liberty, 911, etc.) I was able to illustrate how rapid urban growth especially in LDCs like Mumbai would be problematic.

And of course, I had to make a booboo, and pay for it! Literally.

I sent my lecture notes for printing yesterday, and tried to explain to the auntie about the change in lecture groups. Today, I ended up with a WHOLE stack of notes for the WHOLE cohort of JC2 H1 Geography students! Oh my! And she said that it was my fault. Haii... what to do? So I offered to pay lor... and you know how much it was? A whooping $36!! What a waste of my money! Slog so much still must fork out a big lump sum of money for notes which can't even be used as rough paper! Sigh... My only hope is to wait for next year's batch of students doing "Urban Geography" and recycle the notes. How dumb.

I returned to the staffroom and told HBB that I had done something stoopid. My RO overheard and commented, "What's new?" Haii... there goes whatever reputation I had...

Ok, too long. I'm going to mark. When you set too much work, you suffer. *Orh-bee-good*

So glad that you're enjoying the interactions with the students!

Your RO was obviously always correct and had never been new before... Heh...
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