Thursday, July 26, 2007
What should the Attitude be?
In reference to the previous post about being either a carrot, a hard-boiled egg or coffee bean... err... can I be beef instead? Medium will do... yummy mama mia! But overcook it and it gets all stiff and chewy. So just a little hardship will do? Haha!
Ok, I think I've been all three... a carrot, a hard-boiled egg and a coffee bean.
When faced with adversity, I can hang on, then wither and give way. Sometimes the stress really gets to me... when there are deadlines, irreducible workload which in fact just keeps growing, random unforseen situations, unappreciative people, etc... I grow soft, broken, and threaten to dissolve into a mushy carrot soup. Add cream and you'll have creamy carrot paste!
On the other hand, I can easily harden. I HIBERNATE. I talk only necessarily, and ignore when it doesn't concern me. I am serious and have no expression on my face. My only concern is to focus on completing the tasks at hand. And at times, I grow bitter (though hard-boiled egg isn't bitter!). I get frustrated at the things I have to do - the unnecessary ones, which keep vying for precious time away from more important things. And this results in a cumulative causation - bitterness at other people. Yes, I do survive and grow from the experience... but I emerge unhappily. Harder than a hard-boiled egg. Stone, not rock. Stone has no smile. Rock has a life. =)
Coffeebean. Yep, I've been a coffeebean too. But this really depends on how enthusiastic I am over the matter... and how much I believe in it. I'm not one who goes out to influence people, (therefore I can never qualify as a politician... in any case, I don't like to sweettalk nor do PR when I don't see a point in it. So yeah, I can be rather politically-incorrect, as I prefer to speak my mind! Or just keep mum. Yeah, no keep mummy then where's she gonna go??) but rather, I just engage in my own enthusiasm and do as much as possible to make whatever I believe in become reality. And the end result is usually elation, and a 'high' from the adrenaline rush. *grin*
For example, I badly wanted my Geography fieldtrip to take off. And despite all the tribulation, it finally did. Although I was tempted to just give it up when the going was too tough. And it was indeed a blessing, because the lives of those who participated were touched by an unforgettable experience of a lifetime, including myself of course! Heh.
So yeah, many a times, it all depends on our mindset. What do we want to gain at the end? What do we want the outcome to be? How much are we willing to give? We can't control the circumstances, but we can definitely have a say in our attitude towards things that don't go our way. Sometimes it's all about the will power. How much do we want it? A LOT? Then work towards it! (Heh. Too much of motivational students who failed ALL subjects even though we are nearing the 'A's!)
Ok, I think I've been all three... a carrot, a hard-boiled egg and a coffee bean.
When faced with adversity, I can hang on, then wither and give way. Sometimes the stress really gets to me... when there are deadlines, irreducible workload which in fact just keeps growing, random unforseen situations, unappreciative people, etc... I grow soft, broken, and threaten to dissolve into a mushy carrot soup. Add cream and you'll have creamy carrot paste!
On the other hand, I can easily harden. I HIBERNATE. I talk only necessarily, and ignore when it doesn't concern me. I am serious and have no expression on my face. My only concern is to focus on completing the tasks at hand. And at times, I grow bitter (though hard-boiled egg isn't bitter!). I get frustrated at the things I have to do - the unnecessary ones, which keep vying for precious time away from more important things. And this results in a cumulative causation - bitterness at other people. Yes, I do survive and grow from the experience... but I emerge unhappily. Harder than a hard-boiled egg. Stone, not rock. Stone has no smile. Rock has a life. =)
Coffeebean. Yep, I've been a coffeebean too. But this really depends on how enthusiastic I am over the matter... and how much I believe in it. I'm not one who goes out to influence people, (therefore I can never qualify as a politician... in any case, I don't like to sweettalk nor do PR when I don't see a point in it. So yeah, I can be rather politically-incorrect, as I prefer to speak my mind! Or just keep mum. Yeah, no keep mummy then where's she gonna go??) but rather, I just engage in my own enthusiasm and do as much as possible to make whatever I believe in become reality. And the end result is usually elation, and a 'high' from the adrenaline rush. *grin*
For example, I badly wanted my Geography fieldtrip to take off. And despite all the tribulation, it finally did. Although I was tempted to just give it up when the going was too tough. And it was indeed a blessing, because the lives of those who participated were touched by an unforgettable experience of a lifetime, including myself of course! Heh.
So yeah, many a times, it all depends on our mindset. What do we want to gain at the end? What do we want the outcome to be? How much are we willing to give? We can't control the circumstances, but we can definitely have a say in our attitude towards things that don't go our way. Sometimes it's all about the will power. How much do we want it? A LOT? Then work towards it! (Heh. Too much of motivational students who failed ALL subjects even though we are nearing the 'A's!)
Ctl-C Ctl-V this story as I thought it's quite interesting...
A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as if as soon as one problem was solved a new one arose.
Her mother took her to the kitchen.The mother filled three pots with water.In the first, she placed carrots.In the second she placed eggs.And the last she placed ground coffee beans.She let them sit and boil without saying a word. About twenty minutes later, she turned off the burners.She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.
Turning to her daughter, she said, "Tell me what you see."
"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied. (You know the tone of voice.)
She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did, and noted that they felt soft. She then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg inside. Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, "So, what's the point, mother?" (Remember the tone of voice.)
Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity - boiling water - but each reacted differently.
The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.
The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid center. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its insides had become hardened.
The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water...they had changed the water.
"Which are you?" she asked her daughter.
"When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot , an egg, or a coffee bean?"
Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength? Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat?
Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship, or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my outer shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart? Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water - the very circumstances that bring the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor of the bean. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you instead of letting it change you. When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate to another level? How do you handle Adversity?
A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as if as soon as one problem was solved a new one arose.
Her mother took her to the kitchen.The mother filled three pots with water.In the first, she placed carrots.In the second she placed eggs.And the last she placed ground coffee beans.She let them sit and boil without saying a word. About twenty minutes later, she turned off the burners.She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.
Turning to her daughter, she said, "Tell me what you see."
"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied. (You know the tone of voice.)
She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did, and noted that they felt soft. She then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg inside. Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, "So, what's the point, mother?" (Remember the tone of voice.)
Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity - boiling water - but each reacted differently.
The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.
The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid center. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its insides had become hardened.
The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water...they had changed the water.
"Which are you?" she asked her daughter.
"When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot , an egg, or a coffee bean?"
Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength? Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat?
Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship, or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my outer shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart? Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water - the very circumstances that bring the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor of the bean. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you instead of letting it change you. When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate to another level? How do you handle Adversity?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
When technology plays tricks...
When technology plays tricks, you can either give up totally, or you can fight back.
Why do I say so?
My laptop refused to project during my first H2 Geography Lecture. How scary is that? I called the technician... and we worked out all possibilities. We changed the connecting wire, we restarted the computer, we restarted the projector, etc. But to no avail! And all that took half an hour! And I was supposed to rush the lecture as we were already behind time in completing the syllabus! Oh well...
I could have just said,
"Sorry... the laptop failed. Lecture cancelled." and make it up some other time.
But I didn't. I ran all the way back to the staffroom and desperately borrowed a laptop and transferred the data over. And when I plugged it in, it worked immediately! And the surprising thing? The kids cheered! Haha! You would have expected them to pout or whine right? Quite strange, this bunch of kids! Heh. So I carried on with the lecture, entertaining them and having a whale of a time myself.
Later during tutorial, I tried the silly laptop again but it decided that, no, it's not gonna project anything! Mischievous fella... I shall put him in hibernation. See if he freaks out!
I had a bright spark! I sat on the table, put the laptop on my lap and had the kids gather around me, so that they could all see the screen. I split them up into smaller classes, so there are at most 15 in each class. So cozy the tutorials were. Close-up, good interaction and laughter. Students got comfortable at clarifying doubts too. So I thought the tutorials went quite well. Heh.
In addition, I distributed huge world maps to all the students. Got them to identify the convergent and divergent boundaries, and identify some landforms. Makes it stick in their heads, hopefully. And I had a lot of fun getting them to identify this and that, and watching their bewildered faces! Heh. Although I had pretty animation and flash videos to show them, obviously they couldn't see. So I resorted to old-school explanations. Which worked quite well too.
Point was, it was quite cool. Brings out new ideas / innovation, when we are put in situations which do not go according to plan.
And I thank God for the rapport I have with the kids.
Makes everything so much more bearable and even enjoyable! =)
I feel rejuvenated, even though I'm tired. Although this sounds like a paradox in itself! Heh.
Why do I say so?
My laptop refused to project during my first H2 Geography Lecture. How scary is that? I called the technician... and we worked out all possibilities. We changed the connecting wire, we restarted the computer, we restarted the projector, etc. But to no avail! And all that took half an hour! And I was supposed to rush the lecture as we were already behind time in completing the syllabus! Oh well...
I could have just said,
"Sorry... the laptop failed. Lecture cancelled." and make it up some other time.
But I didn't. I ran all the way back to the staffroom and desperately borrowed a laptop and transferred the data over. And when I plugged it in, it worked immediately! And the surprising thing? The kids cheered! Haha! You would have expected them to pout or whine right? Quite strange, this bunch of kids! Heh. So I carried on with the lecture, entertaining them and having a whale of a time myself.
Later during tutorial, I tried the silly laptop again but it decided that, no, it's not gonna project anything! Mischievous fella... I shall put him in hibernation. See if he freaks out!
I had a bright spark! I sat on the table, put the laptop on my lap and had the kids gather around me, so that they could all see the screen. I split them up into smaller classes, so there are at most 15 in each class. So cozy the tutorials were. Close-up, good interaction and laughter. Students got comfortable at clarifying doubts too. So I thought the tutorials went quite well. Heh.
In addition, I distributed huge world maps to all the students. Got them to identify the convergent and divergent boundaries, and identify some landforms. Makes it stick in their heads, hopefully. And I had a lot of fun getting them to identify this and that, and watching their bewildered faces! Heh. Although I had pretty animation and flash videos to show them, obviously they couldn't see. So I resorted to old-school explanations. Which worked quite well too.
Point was, it was quite cool. Brings out new ideas / innovation, when we are put in situations which do not go according to plan.
And I thank God for the rapport I have with the kids.
Makes everything so much more bearable and even enjoyable! =)
I feel rejuvenated, even though I'm tired. Although this sounds like a paradox in itself! Heh.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Innocent Happiness
I haven't felt happy in a long while... maybe due to stress and all.
But, I am light-hearted this time round due to several factors. And it feels good!
I am happy because...
God gave me another day to live.
He freed my Saturday of activities.
He allowed me to sleep in and catch up on much-needed sleep.
He made it rain this morning so that it was cool weather and I could snuggle under the covers with a grin on my face.
I had time to email Gizmo!
Somebody called to ask if I wanted 40 cents dao huay breakfast.
Somebody was happy to see me.
Dao huay stall and meemee stall were opened.
I ate yummy 40 cents dao huay!
We changed our minds and ate ball ball mee at Bishan instead.
Ball ball mee had new sweet-and-sour chilli!
Somebody loves me and cares for me.
I got to play Mariposa for an extended period of time and gave up only when the game spoilt.
I did my marking at a relaxed pace, and was confident about my marking.
I watched Wu Jinru acting in a stoopid show.
I watched the Live Earth concert.
I watched "Condor Heroes" with my mummy and had a lot of fun imitating the freaks in the show, and commenting on how ridiculous the characters were.
Sitting there enjoying the show with mummy was a blessing in itself.
My mummy cooked steamed fish for me.
My mummy purposely went to withdraw $10 to buy durian, and tried hard to convince me that the durian was worth it.
My mummy had worms in her tummy, and persuaded me to be likewise as greedy.
Somebody entertained me over the phone.
I completed several scripts. On the way to completion. On the war to declaring victory over the H2 scripts, and to declaring war upon the H1 scripts.
But, I am light-hearted this time round due to several factors. And it feels good!
I am happy because...
God gave me another day to live.
He freed my Saturday of activities.
He allowed me to sleep in and catch up on much-needed sleep.
He made it rain this morning so that it was cool weather and I could snuggle under the covers with a grin on my face.
I had time to email Gizmo!
Somebody called to ask if I wanted 40 cents dao huay breakfast.
Somebody was happy to see me.
Dao huay stall and meemee stall were opened.
I ate yummy 40 cents dao huay!
We changed our minds and ate ball ball mee at Bishan instead.
Ball ball mee had new sweet-and-sour chilli!
Somebody loves me and cares for me.
I got to play Mariposa for an extended period of time and gave up only when the game spoilt.
I did my marking at a relaxed pace, and was confident about my marking.
I watched Wu Jinru acting in a stoopid show.
I watched the Live Earth concert.
I watched "Condor Heroes" with my mummy and had a lot of fun imitating the freaks in the show, and commenting on how ridiculous the characters were.
Sitting there enjoying the show with mummy was a blessing in itself.
My mummy cooked steamed fish for me.
My mummy purposely went to withdraw $10 to buy durian, and tried hard to convince me that the durian was worth it.
My mummy had worms in her tummy, and persuaded me to be likewise as greedy.
Somebody entertained me over the phone.
I completed several scripts. On the way to completion. On the war to declaring victory over the H2 scripts, and to declaring war upon the H1 scripts.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
My sword, shield and me.
I'm busy warring. Stacks to slay. At times I strategise and take them down slowly. At times I just whack with all my might. Oh my, it takes up so much energy! Slaying is my favourite past time now, by default. SOoo many to slay, and I'm the only warrior around, amongst this warring stacks, which conspire somehow to squeeze every bit of energy and mark from me.
So now you've guessed? I'm slaying the exam scripts, with my trustee red pen as my sword, and my blanko as my shield.
I can't decide whether to rejoice when I see a somewhat blank script and short answers. (Analogy: A silly and defenceless target) I rejoice because slaying becomes so easy! The technique to use is one big stroke across the script, and a single circular motion somewhere on the script. Brainless technique! =) But I sigh, because then I wonder why they even come to the war. Sacrifice their time, and waste my effort and time with simple slaying.
I think I'm masochistic. I rejoice when I see a lengthy script. But it depends... they can be deceptive! (Analogy: A confident, difficult and intelligent opponent versus an all-talk-no-action opponent) In any case, I need to be vigilant and pour in more effort when slaying these scripts! But at least, you know, having a duel with a somewhat worthy opponent is more worthwhile than wasting my time on defenceless targets!
But I have to admit that it does drain me. Especially now when I'm dealing with migration and 'brain drain'! Heh. There'll be another war declared on Thursday! And this one will be a much larger-scale than the present war! Thankfully there is at least one warrior to assist me. But I will have to do most of the slaying. The 'top' really think I'm super-warrior leh! Give me my trophy!! Heh, no, it doesn't work that way! You can drown for all they care... but you have to continue slaying. The trophy is therefore created by myself, for my own amusement... (Yes, those of you who know me know that I can amuse myself quite well. Heh.) I even named it! It's called 'sense of accomplishment'!
I need nei4 gong1 (internal energy) to pick myself up and persevere on in the war! The race for the 'trophy' - sense of accomplishment, after slaying a whole 'state' (stack), be it only one pathetic question(!) when there are three, is sometimes sufficient to keep me on a 'high'! =)
However, having said that, peace is still the best. No war! No need lah...
Let me keep my sword, keep my shield, recuperate and live a peaceful life.
But of course, that is all a dream.
Slaying is reality!
So now you've guessed? I'm slaying the exam scripts, with my trustee red pen as my sword, and my blanko as my shield.
I can't decide whether to rejoice when I see a somewhat blank script and short answers. (Analogy: A silly and defenceless target) I rejoice because slaying becomes so easy! The technique to use is one big stroke across the script, and a single circular motion somewhere on the script. Brainless technique! =) But I sigh, because then I wonder why they even come to the war. Sacrifice their time, and waste my effort and time with simple slaying.
I think I'm masochistic. I rejoice when I see a lengthy script. But it depends... they can be deceptive! (Analogy: A confident, difficult and intelligent opponent versus an all-talk-no-action opponent) In any case, I need to be vigilant and pour in more effort when slaying these scripts! But at least, you know, having a duel with a somewhat worthy opponent is more worthwhile than wasting my time on defenceless targets!
But I have to admit that it does drain me. Especially now when I'm dealing with migration and 'brain drain'! Heh. There'll be another war declared on Thursday! And this one will be a much larger-scale than the present war! Thankfully there is at least one warrior to assist me. But I will have to do most of the slaying. The 'top' really think I'm super-warrior leh! Give me my trophy!! Heh, no, it doesn't work that way! You can drown for all they care... but you have to continue slaying. The trophy is therefore created by myself, for my own amusement... (Yes, those of you who know me know that I can amuse myself quite well. Heh.) I even named it! It's called 'sense of accomplishment'!
I need nei4 gong1 (internal energy) to pick myself up and persevere on in the war! The race for the 'trophy' - sense of accomplishment, after slaying a whole 'state' (stack), be it only one pathetic question(!) when there are three, is sometimes sufficient to keep me on a 'high'! =)
However, having said that, peace is still the best. No war! No need lah...
Let me keep my sword, keep my shield, recuperate and live a peaceful life.
But of course, that is all a dream.
Slaying is reality!
Monday, July 02, 2007
A "CAL" for a day
"CAL" stands for "Chao Ah-Lian"
Man... I never expected myself to degenerate to that point! "CALs" are a bane and I confess that they get on my nerves! And to think that I resembled them for a day erks me!
So what happened? I got bored and wanted to do something 'fun' and outrageous for the day. So I headed to the friendly hairdresser's. I wanted to colour my hair... was thinking of red, brown or seomthing along that line. But she suggested that those colours were not suitable for me, since I was still young. She suggested yellowish, etc. Hmm... didn't really have a colour in mind... and since she's the hairdreser... I left my fate in her hands.
Man... it was an itchy and somewhat painful experience. Itchy becausethe tip of my ears were itching from the dye. (Heh. It conjures up an image of a dwarf with itchy ears!) And because my hair is not used to the colour, washing it was ouch-ouch-ouch!
Think the lighting at the hairdresser's is designed so that they make your hair colour look good. So anyway, it looked rather nice. Something different, and I was torn between it looking special and 'cool' (in the sporty sense, cos it looked like I had been out in the sun for an extended period of time), versus it looking too bright and ah-lian-ish.
I told her my worries... but she said I looked good, and she really believed it. And she happily told me that she could easily cover it up for me, but she was not gonna do it! Hahaha!
I returned home, and worried about it. Why?
Because I'm a teacher! How am I gonna lecture my kids for not keeping their hair natural, when I have a golden flock? And I have to worry about those teachers out there who are dying to stab me in the back. I wonder why they are so free. And they do not bother to come straight to you... they go straight to your bosses. And apparently any 'stoopid' thing you do will affect you, regardless of how harmless or insignificant it may be. Too free... too free... they should just go become reporters with "Wan3 Bao4" or something.
So anyway, I decided that ah-lian look was not for me. I returned the very next day for the friendly hairdresser to "cover" me up. She did it willingly... this time with a dark burgundy colour which she just combed through. I was half-hoping she would not comb so thoroughly, as I did want streaks of brighness around, to reveal my rebellious nature. But I didn't say anything. So now I have a slightly brownish tint to my hair. Quite natural-looking, but as I say, not rebellious enough. Heh. I guess I'm only HALF-rebellious. Still need to conform since I'm moulding the nation!
Oh, by the way, "cover-up" was free. Heh. Friendly hairdresser what!
Wish I had taken a photo just for memory sake. But I was too confused. Heh.
"CAL" is not for me.
"LAL" is for my mummy. "Lao Ah-Lian"! Heh. She's outrageous! Her hair is bright ORANGE and SPIKEY!
Man... I never expected myself to degenerate to that point! "CALs" are a bane and I confess that they get on my nerves! And to think that I resembled them for a day erks me!
So what happened? I got bored and wanted to do something 'fun' and outrageous for the day. So I headed to the friendly hairdresser's. I wanted to colour my hair... was thinking of red, brown or seomthing along that line. But she suggested that those colours were not suitable for me, since I was still young. She suggested yellowish, etc. Hmm... didn't really have a colour in mind... and since she's the hairdreser... I left my fate in her hands.
Man... it was an itchy and somewhat painful experience. Itchy becausethe tip of my ears were itching from the dye. (Heh. It conjures up an image of a dwarf with itchy ears!) And because my hair is not used to the colour, washing it was ouch-ouch-ouch!
Think the lighting at the hairdresser's is designed so that they make your hair colour look good. So anyway, it looked rather nice. Something different, and I was torn between it looking special and 'cool' (in the sporty sense, cos it looked like I had been out in the sun for an extended period of time), versus it looking too bright and ah-lian-ish.
I told her my worries... but she said I looked good, and she really believed it. And she happily told me that she could easily cover it up for me, but she was not gonna do it! Hahaha!
I returned home, and worried about it. Why?
Because I'm a teacher! How am I gonna lecture my kids for not keeping their hair natural, when I have a golden flock? And I have to worry about those teachers out there who are dying to stab me in the back. I wonder why they are so free. And they do not bother to come straight to you... they go straight to your bosses. And apparently any 'stoopid' thing you do will affect you, regardless of how harmless or insignificant it may be. Too free... too free... they should just go become reporters with "Wan3 Bao4" or something.
So anyway, I decided that ah-lian look was not for me. I returned the very next day for the friendly hairdresser to "cover" me up. She did it willingly... this time with a dark burgundy colour which she just combed through. I was half-hoping she would not comb so thoroughly, as I did want streaks of brighness around, to reveal my rebellious nature. But I didn't say anything. So now I have a slightly brownish tint to my hair. Quite natural-looking, but as I say, not rebellious enough. Heh. I guess I'm only HALF-rebellious. Still need to conform since I'm moulding the nation!
Oh, by the way, "cover-up" was free. Heh. Friendly hairdresser what!
Wish I had taken a photo just for memory sake. But I was too confused. Heh.
"CAL" is not for me.
"LAL" is for my mummy. "Lao Ah-Lian"! Heh. She's outrageous! Her hair is bright ORANGE and SPIKEY!